Death By Audio Echo Dream 2 Modifications
Stompbox Electronics provides the following mods for the Death By Audio Echo Dream 2:
- Feedback Switch Mod
- Wet/Dry Footswitch Mod
- Flexi-Mod
See the descriptions below for a better understanding of each modification. Please note that there may not be enough space left inside the pedal to use a battery, so be sure to have a suitable power supply for the Echo Dream 2 before sending it in to be modified!
If the mods above aren’t what you’re looking for, you can always request a custom modification through the Custom Guitar Pedal Modification Request form.
Feedback Switch
The feedback switch allows you to tap in wild oscillations with a simple momentary footswitch, installed to the right of the bypass switch.
Wet/Dry Footswitch
The stock toggle switch for wet/dry is removed and replaced with a footswitch, similar in functionality to Earthquaker Devices Flexi-Switch technology. A single tap will toggle between Wet and Dry modes. Holding down the footswitch will allow you to access one of the modes momentarily.
An LED is installed where the stock Wet/Dry toggle switch is mounted to indicate Wet mode.
FlexiMod Bypass
The FlexiMod involves replacing the bypass switch with a FlexiMod switch. The FlexiMod switch has a similar operation to the Earthquaker Devices Flexi-Switch technology. A single tap will toggle between bypass and echo. Holding down the footswitch will allow you to access the echo momentarily until you release the switch.
Got Questions? I Got Answers!
Hopefully I covered everything, but if you have any questions on the DBA Echo Dream 2 mods above feel free to contact me using this contact form!
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