Welcome to Stompbox Electronics!

Over the past couple years I’ve had numerous requests to provide supporting material for the PROTIS 1 boards, including tutorials on how to build certain circuits, how to design modifications, and how to prototype using the board. In the end, this website is the result. I will be using this platform to post articles about everything I know regarding how to build guitar effects pedals, how to design guitar effects pedal modifications, and how to read and understand guitar effects pedal circuits and schematics.

You can expect everything from quick, digestible blog posts to quality technical articles. Like you, I’m learning everyday. If there are any updates or improvements that need to be made to the posts on this site feel free to contact me.

Join me on this journey to find your tone, know your tone, and own your tone. Welcome to Stompbox Electronics!

– Dom (Mimmo)

Image of guitar effects pedal board
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